Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): september-december
CONTEMPORARY STUDIES IN MARKETING AND CONSUMPTION, volume 1, number 1 (September-December 2023), is a quarterly journal, published by the University of Sonora through the Department of Accounting; Bulevar. Luis Encinas y Rosales S/N, Col. Centro, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, C. P. 83000; Tel. +52 (662), 12 and 13, email: revista.marketingyconsumo@unison.mx, website: marketingyconsumo.unison.mx.
Responsible editor: Dr. Ana Cristina Pacheco Navarro.
Exclusive Use Rights Reservation 04-2023-051117471400-102 granted by the National Institute of Copyright.
ISSN: in progress.
Responsible for the last update of this issue:
Dra. Ana Cristina Pacheco Navarro.
Date of last modification: December 31, 2023.
Full Issue
The preferences of Hermosillo consumers towards artisanal soaps
Abstract 142
PDF (Español) 110
Abstract 142